December 2002

Miscellaneous photos from December
Including our trips to Fairbury, IL; Fort Wayne, IN; and St. Joseph, MI.

(Click on image to see larger version)

Brian & Sean sort out the christmas lights in California.


Sean biking on Old Hall Road

Me with my bike.

Our Christmas Tree

The Koehl family, in Fairbury, IL.

The Koehl cousins, and significant others: Sean, Valerie, Sarah, Blake, Molly and Brian

Now in Fort Wayne, IN, the Bubb siblings and spouses: Chris, Mary, Valerie, Sean, Pat, Janet, JB and David

Me and Sean

Carey, Randy and Nicole

Elisa, me, Sean and Nicole

Sean, Randy, Michael, me, Carey, and Elisa

Elisa, me and Sean

Carey and Randy

Even though I am 40 times his size, Talon still torments me.

Shannon, Tyler, Jason, Christiana, Chay (on lap), Ashton, Kevin, Ryan (on lap), Brad, and Jason

Kids plus Chris, Mary, JB, David, me, Sean, Janet and Pat

All the Bubbs (and Yeagers and Wises).

The Wise's Christmas Tree

David and Valen

Chay and Chris

Christiana, me and Ryan



Ryan is trying to entertain Chay.

Valen comes in to consult

JB and Shannon

A snow storm came in Christmas Eve, giving us a white Christmas.

The Wise house

Sean digging out the driveway.

Pat digging out our car.

Mary and Chay

Off in St. Joseph, MI: The Koehl Christmas Tree

The Koehl Christmas monkey ...

Brian, Kevin, Marlene and Sean

The Koehl house

Kevin, Marlene, me and Brian
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